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sorry for ask but, what game engine do you used for created this game?

The game was made using the Ren'Py engine.


Is there any way to open up a kind of game console and cheat in this game. like manually give my character some extra merits and arkhe


I've been looking into this and the answer is not presently unless you edit the game files. I guess I disabled the RenPy game console at some point in the past.

I'll give this some thought because the default console could very easily ruin saves if used recklessly. Some sort of dedicated cheat menu or sandbox mode would probably be far safer, but of course also more time-consuming to implement.

I use the joiplay app on android to play this game and it won't let me save:(

This kinda hurts cause I'll invest at least an hour or 2 into a save and then i can't save and I gotta start over again.😢

Which version of JoiPlay are you using?

I actually had the same problem using the Play Store version but the latest public version from their Patreon fixed the problem for me.

Thank you so much🙏🏽this solved the problem for me thank you

Is there a way to have children? I know that you can woo people but i havent really seen any children things except in the bio and the end of the cycle thingy where you lose your money from having no descendants?


Yes, lovers are randomly generated with different hidden attitudes towards raising children. Continuing to woo and interact with those characters that want children will result in them putting forth different proposals.

Once you have at least one descendant, rather than risk hiding your money and probably losing it between cycles, it passes on to the children, which will go on to become  either successful aristocrats making your life easier in the next cycle, or just plain ungrateful bums.

thank you!

i really like the game but im confused at what to do when i have the house, sorry. can you give a simple explination on how to play the game?


The next step should generally be to continue visiting other places from the "Territories" menu option, gathering a party of Renascents from them, and then retrieve and research the relic's pieces from those territories marked with the jigsaw puzzle icon as they show up.

Here's a simple guide I made some time ago that might also be of help along with the contextual in-game tips at the upper right.

Just donloaded the game and omg<3

just the amount and quality of lore is enough for me to love it. Just spent maybe 30minutes or so Just reading the lore and going through the mechanics of the game